Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Review: First Lie Wins

First Lie Wins First Lie Wins by Ashley Elston
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I picked this one up with zero expectations. I had no prior experience with work from this author, didn’t read the synopsis, and went in cold. I was more than pleasantly surprised.

The story is that of a young woman hired by an anonymous (not to mention overbearing and sanctimonious) boss to carry out cons. Each con requires her to assume a new identity, relocate and immerse herself in the lives of her marks. While the length of the games vary, each is relatively dangerous and with the acceptance of every new “job”, the risks, as well as the rewards, increase exponentially.

Author Ashley Elston creates for readers a main character that rises from the page and feels as real as our own friends and neighbors. She is relatable, though not always likable, clever and vulnerable; she makes mistakes and obsesses over her failures while also reveling in her successes. There is something in her that appeals to our nurturing nature, as well as a slice of rebellion that is as bitter on the palate as it is refreshing. Elston’s brilliance is in her ability to make us sympathize with this somewhat unsavory character, who takes advantage of her environment at the expense of others. Though her days are filled with criminal behaviors and nefarious activities, we somehow, in the midst of the story, forgive her transgressions and root for her to succeed.

The most impressive strength of the work, however (aside from the character development), is in its structure. Chapters travel through time from present to past then back again, with each revealing a little more of the protagonist and the short and long cons she has managed to either pull off or at least escape from unscathed. The plot twists are deliciously embedded, and while some may not be particularly unexpected, others surprise as they slide into place like pieces of a complex puzzle, one building upon the next until the entire picture is assembled. The clever way in which they all come together left me in awe of the how well Elston kept all the balls in the air until the last possible moment. Truly inspiring to see it all unfold so seamlessly.

I will be anxiously awaiting the next offering from this author—I intend to be first in line for a copy! #fanforlife

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