Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Review: Her Last Cry

Her Last Cry Her Last Cry by Pamela Fagan Hutchins
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Her Last Cry is a prime example of what happens when an author can’t focus on a linear plot and so meanders, hopelessly lost in the weeds. Pamela Fagan Hutchins is a gifted storyteller, but reading this piece of her work reminded me of listening to my grandmother try to tell a story. Oh, she’d get there eventually, but HOLY MOTHER OF GOD she took the long way! Hutchins does just that—takes the reader on a circuitous journey to an ending that offers no resolution, making it tedious and difficult to follow her path and not feel cheated when the trip is over.

In short, too many characters; too many spidering story lines that squandered opportunities to fully develop any one into a meaningful plot; and too many loose ends hurriedly explained in a conclusion that is anything BUT “conclusive” and instead reads as a thinly veiled promo for the next installment.

Three stars for effort—I had to take two to make up for feeling betrayed by the last ten pages.

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