Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Review: Seven Days

Seven Days Seven Days by Joseph D Nirmaier
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

DNF—in fact, I COULD not finish. Seriously. Whomever penned the nine reviews currently surrounding this act of literary-criminality had to be related to the author. There is simply no other explanation. Set aside, for a moment, the piss-poor editing, ridiculous spelling, punctuation and continuity errors, and this one is still just shy of unreadable. The thing that finally made me stop torturing myself by continuing to turn pages is the tense changes— a dizzying back and forth, from present to past to present, with no intentionality and no awareness of the effect the tense changes have on the reader. Each sudden change is jarring and removes the reader from the story just long enough to mutter “wtf”. With no more fucks to give, it was past time to pack it in.

Any professors or teachers who issued this man a passing grade need to bear some of the responsibility for this abysmal attempt at extorting money for an unreadable text. Mr. Nirmaier, please remove this from Amazon, hire an editor and head back to the drawing board. Anything less would be immoral.

View all my reviews

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