My rating: 2 of 5 stars
I went into this one blind, as I saw it pop on my Amazon feed and just purchased it. Lesson learned. Always read the reviews.
This is a book of two halves. The first half is full of teasers, promises and suspense, and I found myself at the 53% point before I even took a breath. From there, however, the whole thing just fell apart—and when I say “fell apart”, I mean it went so totally off the rails as to have been a complete train wreck. Instead of the action telling the story, the narrator just tells us what happened. It was as if this author wrote a summary to sell the book, contracted for the first few chapters, then found herself (himself?) at a loss and simply relied on that summary to meet a looming deadline. The last 20% or so of the book was an almost expository piece in which each character behaves so far afield of what had been established as to leave the reader feeling like they’ve actually been secretly redirected into another story altogether.
I feel cheated out of what had promised to be a wild ride of a thriller. Instead, I was spoon fed two unlikable main characters who deserved to be held accountable for their unsavory actions, yet were dropped smack into the middle of a happily ever after fairytale full of unicorns and rainbows. Just....no.
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