My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I am a mad Sophie Kinsella fan for those days when I’m in need of a light read and a smile. Love Your Life, however, was a profound disappointment, failing to deliver either an engaging read or a single smile. The characters were unlikable, the plot was stale and the humor which I usually find so endearing in a Kinsella novel was simply nonexistent. I think if this had been was any other writer, I would have shelved it as a DNF after the first fifty or so pages when I had still failed to invest in any aspect of the writing. From the very beginning, it struck me as cliche and trite (two 30 something’s meeting while on a writers’ retreat in Italy, falling victim to the romance of the location and, once removed from the Italian landscape finding the bright spotlight of reality far too revealing of flaws and blemishes they had overlooked), and the plot just never transcended that first impression. By the end, it was all too “kumbaya”, even for Kinsella.
Giving this three stars when it should probably be two—with credit for the minor characters, who were far more interesting than those around whom the story revolves. There is definitely a problem when the dog (Harold) is the most entertaining thing about the story. I so hope this is a one off and Kinsella once again finds her footing.
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