My rating: 4 of 5 stars
First, yes, I’m late to the party. Second, I think this cover is perhaps one of the worst on record. And third, Jesus, I loved the book. I’ve marked this review as one huge spoiler, because, seriously, while I want to live in the world author Robinne Lee here created, I also want to berate her and demand she rewrite the ending—a conclusion that could never be called a resolution, and a final page that left me awash in tears. Ok, some of that could be due to menopause (Mother Nature is one cruel bitch), but in allowing the beautiful love affair, penned into existence in the first hundred pages, to be discarded in some noble pursuit of parental-responsibility, Lee lays waste to the notion that as older women we can, indeed, have it all. And that was a truth that, throughout this emotional rollercoaster ride, I had been encouraged and moved to accept, right along with gleeful optimism posited on the platitudes that claim age doesn’t render a woman invisible; that time doesn’t favor those with youth on their side; that true love and romantic fantasy together are possible. In fact, the final pages of The Idea of You trampled those emerging beliefs and, after a few far too brief hours reveling in the possibilities, left me once again a tired, aging woman propelled back to earth in what can best be described as a crash-landing return to reality.
Highly recommended to those with enough of a positive self-image and view of aging to keep from being completely despondent when the rug is pulled out from underneath them.
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