My rating: 4 of 5 stars
For me, this novel was a tale of two halves. I will admit to ALMOST initially chalking it up to a flop. Whilst the writing was sound, the story seemed to meander into nothing and back again without any threads to grasp and follow. There was a lot of character introspection, but it was redundant and seemingly overplayed. Somewhere just shy of the halfway point, however, I realized with some surprise that I was hooked. I had started to root for Casey, the almost tragic main character, and couldn’t turn the pages fast enough. Certainly Casey is suffering far more than mild depression, and it’s clear that her frequent breakdowns warrant some intervention, but she is isolated and insulated by choice, carefully choosing which aspects of her life to reveal and to whom. This dichotomy is followed through to a resolution that was both satisfying and healing—bravo, Lily King. Bravo.
For anyone who has suddenly looked up and realized that fleeting youth is in the rear view, this novel will be relatable and perhaps instructional, if not inspirational. When do we pack up unfulfilled dreams and move on, and how much do we sacrifice in the process? This one is definitely worth a read.
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